ECET 3500 - Electric Machines
Summer 2017
3500 Introduction
3500 Schedule
Lecture PowerPoint Handouts:
0 -
AC (Complex) Power
1 -
Introduction to Magnetics - Part A
1 -
Introduction to Magnetics - Part B
2 -
Introduction to Transformers
2 -
Practical Transformer Model
3 -
Three-Phase Systems
3 -
Three-Phase Transformers
4 -
Squirrel-Cage Induction Machines
5 -
NEMA Ratings
6 -
DC Machines
Homework Assignments:
Homework #1
(Due May 24th)
Homework #2 - SE#1 problems 1, 3, 10, 15 (Due June 7th)
Homework #3 - SE#1 problems D, E (Due June 12th)
Homework #4 - SE#2 problems 5 and 8 (Due July 3rd)
Homework #5 - SE#2 problems 23, 25, 28 (Due July 10th)
Laboratory Documents:
Lab Experiment #02
Intro to Transformers
Lab Experiment #03
Practical Transformer Model
Lab Experiment #05
Balanced Three-Phase Circuits
Lab Experiment #06
Induction Motors
Lab Experiment #08
Induction Machine M-G Operation
Combined Experiment #'s 10 and 11
DC Machines
Sample Exams:
3500 Sample Exam 1
(Spring 2017)
3500 Sample Exam 2
(Spring 2017)
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